Ch6: Principles


Axis in a line where it is created by connecting two points. Axis defines the balance whether it is symmetrical or asymmetrical in a space. The picture above is an example of axis which defines that the space is in a symmetrical balance.


If the balance distribution and arragement is same on the both sides from the center line, axis, it is a symmetry. We can see that the both sides of the building look exactly same on the picture above, which is an example of the symmetry.


When a form or space is differenciated by the size, shape, or placement from others, it is called hierarchy. Mostly, important place becomes the hierarchy. The building above is having hierarchy where its size is lager, and shape is different from other related forms of the building.


When random pattern or elements are organized in a line, plane, or volum, it is called datum. The picture above is the buildings in Armsterdam. Different top shape of the buildings are next to each other where the dantum is created.


When similar or same elements are placed in certain way over and over, it creates repetition. It can be occured on the elevation or in a space. The picture above is showing that the same arches are placed in a row to create repetition in a space.


Transformation here means when an original form of a building is changed to another but it still have a sense of the original look. My diagram shows the transformation which the original shape is kept but broke into other shape in the original shape. 


*Images are from google image and freshhome website


  1. I love the pictures that you chose!!! Your diagrams are also very good. GREAT JOB, LIKE ALWAYS!!!

  2. They all look so good!!!well done:)
