Ch3: Form and Space

The Unity of Opposites

In both two dimensional and three dimensional field, positive and negative elements defines a shape of form. Positive and negative elements should interact each other to be visually recognizable. Depending on use of positive and negative elements, one or the other becomes figure or ground. The diagram above shows that black area (positive shape) is figure and white area (negative shape) is background. 

Defining Space with Horizontal Elements

By looking at a space with horizontal elements, we can define spaces into base plane, elevated base plane, depressed base plane, and overhead plane. The study of swimming pool above is showing the depressed base plane. As we see the diagram, the plane of the pool is under the ground horizontal level. 

Defining Space with Vertical Linear Elements

Spaces can be defined by the vertical linear elements. In two dimensional field, the vertical lines defines the space, while the vertical planes define the space in three dimensional field. The study above shows that a space is defined by two vertical walls standing parallel. In addition to parallel planes, spaces can be defined by single vertical plane, L-shaped plane, U-shaped plane, and closure.

Qualities of Architectural Space

Even though form and space are defined by linear and planar elements, form and space can have different quality by degree of enclosure, view, and light. If a space has less wall or many windows, the space can be seen more open and bigger, which explains the degree of enclosure. In addition, the value and perception of spaces can be changed by the view and light. Nice view increase the value of the room, and great amount of light gives the fresh and warm feeling. The diagram above is showing how the light affects a space of the room.

Openings in Space

Having openings in spaces is very important because it changes mood, perception, and function of the spaces. Openings can be located within planes, at coners, and between planes. My study is an example of the between planes. As we see above, the opening between planes gives a feeling of fresh and open.

*Images are from google image and freshhome website

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