Ch4: Organization

Spatial Relationship

Interlocking Space

Interlocking spaces are the area where it is overlapped by two or more spaces. As it shown above, three rectangular spaces interlocked all together and created a space where it can be shared. 

Adjacent Spaces

Adjacent Spaces have a clear separation by a wall, columns, steps, or a free standing plane. However, they are still next to each other and connected.

Spaces Linked by a Common Space

Spaces linked by a common space means that when two separated standing spaces are related together by a third space. An example, the study above shows that two different buildings are linked each other by the pool between them. That means the pool becomes the third space where it can be shared.   

Spatial Organizations

 Centralized Organization

When the elements and secondary spaces are organized by facing to the center point as it shown above, it is called centralized organization.  

Linear Organizations

 When series of spaces are placed in a line, it is called a linear organization. They can be either directly connected like the picture above or separated each other.

Source: all pictures are from


  1. Great job Sujin!!! I love the images you chose and your diagramming. I'm just a little confused about the diagramming for adjacent spaces though. Overall, GREAT JOB though!!!
